Topic: Reviews

There are an awful lot of locks available for uPVC doors, ranging from nasty aluminium cylinders that barely work from new, up to the all singing and dancing three star cylinders, which again come with such a range of additional gimmicky security features that it could easily confuse a total novice looking to get the best lock for their uPVC door.
I've posted a few times with comparisons on budget lock ranges and anti snap cylinders and as a locksmith i feel it's important to REALLY test the products I supply and recommend as the best locks for the job. When locks that locksmiths have supplied start failing it is an inconvenience to be called back to repair the problem but also damages a hard earned reputation.
I am asked on a daily basis "What is the best lock for my uPVC door?" ...Well firstly let me give you a run down on the obvious contenders.
Brisant Ultion
Brisant began marketing a few years back now as 'locks for locksmiths' with a range of good looking anti snap locks that I think are in fact rebranded Federal cylinders. Eventually their three star diamond standard lock was released; the Ultion, a formiddable looking lock cylinder withanti-snap features and a locking central cam. It soon became aparent however that these locks were suffering from quality issues and I hear complaints on a daily basis about lock cylinders jamming. If it were a five pound standrad lock it would be less of an issue but on an all singing and dancing lock you've convinced someone to upgrade to it's really not acceptable.
Best lock for your door rating: 3/5
Avocet ABS
Another three star lock cylinder, again a great looking lock with fancy keys, incorporating a magnetic element to make unauthorised copying less of a problem. These were pushed pretty hard a few years ago by the police and neighbourhood watch groups as the best lock for your door and for a short time they probably were. It seems however they're not holding up too well over time and I hear regular stories about these failing. The second problem is that these are now a relatively old design and dedicated tools are now available to open these in just a few seconds. The cylinders are also handed so as a locksmith more stock is required to vover all the offsets. Avocet now appear to be focussing more on their new lock the ATK, a more traditional looking pinned cylinder with all the heavyweight features of the ABS. The ABS is old hat now, if you really insist on Avocet then the new ATK is probably a safer bet.
Best Lock for your door rating: 3/5
BKS Three Star
I must admit I'm a fan of the BKS 3 star cylinder and is one I fit regularly as an anti-snap solution. It's not a lock that is marketed to the public and at present is only really available through trade suppliers. I got my first sample form a locksmith in Cannock. I have thoroughly tested the BKS lock myself when it was rebranded and released at a local hardware supplier and although it lacked all the fancy gimmicks of the previous two locks, this one did exactly what it promised without being over the top, a well designed snapsafe lock that would stump the majority of burglars. The downside, for locksmiths at least is that the cylinders are handed and more stock would need to be carried to cover the offset variations. Conclusion? This is a good lock for your door but there are better.
Best lock for your door rating: 4/5
Yale Three Star Platinum
The Yale brand is the benchmark by which all cylinders are compared and a name everyone knows. Regular readers of my blog will know that I've tested this cylinder thoroughly in all of its forms and am frankly astounded by the strength and reliability of this lock cylinder. The evolution of this cylinder started with the initial British Standard anti-snap lock, turned one star cylinder and now offered in the current three star platinum form. There are no gimmicky keys to cause problems and uses a traditional 'yale style' key. What impresses me most with this lock however is its reliabilty. I can't recall one story of a Yale anti-snap lock cylinder failing let alone encountered one myself. It's clearly a well manufactured product with high tolerances that will not let you down. If I had to be picky and name one issue with these locks it would be the micro allen bolt securing the thumbturn which can be a pain to remove when installing the locks. In my opinion the Yale three star cylinder is the best lock for your upvc door and ticks all of the boxes; security, longetivity and quality.
Best lock for your door rating 5/5
Updated: Tuesday, 13 April 2021 10:00 AM BST
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