As a bit of a businessman I am always looking for extra ways to earn additional money on top the existing locksmith work I do. I was researching different products that I may be able to sell to the customers that I deal with. Speaking with a friend that works as a locksmith in Wolverhampton I was informed of an online key recovery service called Lostakey.
The concept has been around for years however Lostakey has brought it upto date with an online key recovery service where lost keys can be returned to their rightful owners via a unique reference number printed on specially designed key rings. Rewards are offered for the lucky finder of the keys for their time and honesty. The keyrings come with a free years service when registered online and then £5 a year subscription from the keyring owner.
So can we make ourselves some extra money by selling these keyrings on the side? Well if you consider the potential cost of losing a set of keys consisting of a vehicle and a few house keys then we are already into hundreds of pounds for replacement locks and auto key programming. Selling the product should be pretty simple. The keyrings retail at £5 to the general public however bulk orders to locksmiths are little over £1 each. (Current offer to locksmiths is 100 keyrings, next 100 half price).

Updated: Tuesday, 24 January 2017 2:13 PM GMT
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